Remarketing PracticesRemarketing, or targeting consumers who have already visited your website, is an important part of brands’ digital marketing strategies.

Remarketing campaigns are used to show ads to people who have visited your website or used your app. These campaigns provide you with extra settings and reports specifically for reaching previous visitors and users hence making this strategy is one of the most powerful digital marketing techniques in 2021.

Here’s why it works.

Recapture valuable users

Remarketing provides your company a second chance at convincing a user to purchase your product, contact your team, or sign-up for your services. Without remarketing, you don’t have that opportunity. Instead, you have to wait and hope that a user comes back on their own.

With remarketing, you don’t have to wait. You can launch a proactive campaign to earning that user’s trust and motivating them to return to your site. Plus, you can stop them from purchasing a similar product or service from a competitor.

As your partner, PivotsDM can help your business recapture the most valuable users. With in-depth insight into your target audience, as well as your company’s most profitable products or services, your dedicated account manager can create a remarketing audience worth targeting.

Enhance brand awareness

Did you know that ads increase brand awareness by 80 percent?

While brand awareness may not drive an immediate purchase, it can help your company build a relationship with a potential client. If the average customer lifetime value (CLV) of your business is high, this makes brand awareness extremely valuable.

Remarketing provides your company a second chance at convincing a user to purchase your product, contact your team, or sign-up for your services.

Drive purchases

Many companies invest in remarketing/retargeting services because they’re looking to increase their sales and revenue. Remarketing is a powerful tool when it comes to driving purchases because it’s marketing your business to people that already showed an interest in your products or services but didn’t get the chance to engage.

Increase lead generation rates

If you’re looking to earn more high-quality leads, remarketing services can help too. Depending on your industry, as well as services, it can take some time for a user to become a lead. For example, maybe you offer enterprise-level software or home-building services.

Both examples require research, which is why users may visit your site and service pages, but won’t complete a quote request. With a remarketing campaign, you can keep your business top-of-mind and convince shoppers to come back to your site.

With hundreds of PPC campaigns managed, our digital marketing specialists have developed several creative ways to use remarketing to your advantage.

Curious about the ways your company can use remarketing services? Talk to us!

Pivot Staff

At thePivots, we measure the impact of the strategy against your objectives and goals, integrating the data with your own CRMs and internal systems.

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